University of Gdańsk
Ana Belén Sainz | Principal Investigator
Ana Belén Sainz is the leader of the Foundational Underpinnings of Quantum Technologies group at the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) hosted by the University of Gdańsk, Poland. She holds degrees in Physics from the University of Gdańsk (doctor habilitatus, 2021), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (PhD, 2014), and the University of Córdoba (Msci, 2009).
Her research focuses on developing an operational understanding of the nonclassical features of Nature (such as generalised contextuality) tailored to their role as resources for information processing. She is particularly keen on the insights on this topic provided by the frameworks of generalised probabilistic, process, and resource theories. Her group's goal is to assess the landscape of nonclassical physical theories –which may supersede quantum theory– and their impact on technological developments.
In the context of FoQaCiA, her scientific contributions will focus on WP1, with some contributions also to WP4.
John H. Selby | Principal Investigator
John Selby leads the Compositional Foundations of Physics research team at the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) hosted by the University of Gdańsk, Poland. He holds degrees in Physics from Imperial College London (PhD, 2017; MRes, 2014; MSci, 2012) and the University of Waterloo (MSc, 2013).
His research is focused on the foundations of physics, seeking to answer questions such as: "how do we know that Nature is non-classical?", "Is there any deeper theory of Nature than quantum theory?" and "what is the best way to understand quantum theory?". His key tools include process theories, categorical quantum mechanics, resource theories, and generalised probabilistic theories. He particularly endorses the use of novel diagrammatic techniques which offer intuitive methods for tackling complex problems.
In the context of FoQaCiA, his scientific contributions will focus on WP1, with some contributions also to WP4.
Team members involved in FoQaCiA
Vinicius P. Rossi
Postdoctoral Researcher
In the context of FoQaCiA, Vinicius’ relevant work is on the development of techniques for contextuality certification, and on the relationship between coherence and generalised contextuality (WP1).
Beata Zjawin
Postdoctoral Researcher
Beata works on developing formal resource theories for non-classical phenomena, and on exploring contextual advantage in quantum information processing tasks (WP1).
Roberto Dobal Baldijão
Postdoctoral Researcher
Baldi’s primary research interest is the foundations of (quantum) physics, specially contextuality, non-classical correlations and their implications, generalized probabilistic theories, and classical limits (WP1).
Past members:
Jan Głowacki - Postdoctoral Researcher
Jan’s main research interests reside around the notions of operationality, relationality and relativity in the context of quantum physics and generalized probability theories, with emphasis on notions of classicality (WP1).
David Schmid - Postdoctoral Researcher
David’s research pertains to various aspects of the foundations of physics. Of particular relevance to FoQaCiA is his work on the certification of generalised contextuality and resource theories for non-classical phenomena (WP1).
Paulo Cavalcanti - PhD student
Paulo’s work focuses on the study and development of generalised probabilistic theories and process theories, with a strong background in category theory (WP1).