Bilkent University

Cihan Okay | Principal Investigator

Cihan Okay is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. He is leading the Bilkent Quantum Computing and Topology group.

 His research is on the mathematics of quantum information and computing, specialising in applications of methods from algebraic topology, representation theory, and polyhedral combinatorics to study notions from quantum foundations and to develop new classical simulation algorithms for quantum computation.

 In the Foqacia project, he will be leading WP2 and contributing to WP1, WP3, and WP4. As part of WP6, he is organising a summer school in Turkey.

Team members involved in FoQaCiA

Selman Ipek   

Postdoctoral Researcher

As part of WP2, Selman works on classical simulation algorithms for quantum computation based on polytope theory to characterise quantum computational advantage.

Igor Sikora 

Postdoctoral Researcher

Igor works on simplicial methods in problems inspired by quantum information theory and develops cohomological frameworks for certain quantum computational schemes, potentially impacting WP4.

Aziz Kharoof

Postdoctoral Researcher

Aziz works on generalizations of quantum contextuality by developing categorical and homotopical frameworks with potential applications to WP1 and WP2.